Hair Mesotherapy
Hair mesotherapy is the direct injection of substances containing vitamins, minerals, circulation regulators and antioxidants, which are necessary for the growth and development of hair, into the scalp with tiny needles.
The aim of hair mesotherapy is to slow down or stop hair loss, improve the quality of hair, accelerate hair growth, thicken and mature thin hairs (vellus hair) and stimulate new hair growth.
How is hair mesotherapy applied?
In hair mesotherapy, the substances needed by the hair are injected with very thin needles. Local anesthetic cream and cooling spray applied before the procedure help make the procedure less painful.
How often is hair mesotherapy applied?
It is applied in 4-8 sessions at intervals of 10-15 days, depending on the type and severity of hair loss and the mesotherapy product used. It can also be combined with PRP.
When does the effect of hair mesotherapy begin to appear?
The effect of hair mesotherapy begins to be seen after approximately 1.5-2 months.
What are the advantages of mesotherapy?
In hair mesotherapy, since the substances required for hair growth are given directly to the hair follicle, it is not possible to provide a successful result as mesotherapy with any shampoo, mask or solution applied externally. Since the application takes approximately 15-20 minutes, it can be done even during lunch and you can continue your daily activities.
What are the obstacles to mesotherapy or the situations where its application is risky?
Acute, chronic infections and sepsis
Infection in the application area
Known history of allergy to any of the substances to be applied
End-stage heart failure, kidney failure, chronic liver disease
Presence of cancer or receiving chemotherapy treatments
Those who have a disease that suppresses the immune system or use immunosuppressive drugs
Being on anti-coagulant therapy or abnormal platelet function disorders (blood diseases; circulatory disorder, hypofibrinogenemia, critical thrombocytopenia).
Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
Those with active psychological/psychiatric disorders
Recent brain hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage
Hypotension, ventricular tachycardia
What are the things to consider after mesotherapy?
Avoiding alcohol use on the day of the procedure
Do not touch water for 24 hours
It is necessary to avoid contact with soap, cosmetics and similar products, irritating behaviors such as rubbing and scratching, and steam interaction for 48 hours after the procedure.