It is a common skin disease that begins with redness and burning attacks on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks, and progresses with increased capillary vessels and acne, usually starting in the 30s.
There are 4 subtypes of rosacea.
Erythematelangiectatic type rosacea: It progresses with attacks of redness on the face, which we call "flushing", and/or permanent erythema on the forehead and cheeks.
Papulopustular type rosacea: Erythematous papules and pustules are found in the middle part of the face and forehead. These lesions may be confused with acne.
Phymatous rosacea: It progresses with growth on the forehead, chin, ear or nose. It develops very slowly.
Ocular rosacea: It is the form of rosacea that affects the eye. It progresses with blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or chalazion.
Triggering factors: Tea, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods, sunlight, hot and cold weather, wind, stress, exercise, some medications, irritating cosmetic products
Treatment: Avoidance of trigger factors, sun protection, topical treatments, systemic treatments, laser treatments