Thread Lifting
With aging, water and collagen loss in the skin increases, and bones begin to resorb, that is, lose their content. Collagen is the main component of connective tissue and gradually decreases during the aging process by being broken down by enzymes.
With gravity, the fat layers that provide the full appearance on our face begin to shift downwards, and the ligaments holding these fat layers loosen, resulting in a sagging appearance on the face. Applications such as filler injections, mesotherapy, spider web, radiofrequency and focused ultrasound can be performed to tighten the slightly sagging skin between the ages of 30-50s. However, if this sagging has become very noticeable, especially on the sides of the chin, the patient's expectations will not be adequately met with these procedures. At this point, the application we call thread lifting comes into play. The purpose of thread lifting is to lift the face, which begins to sag, using threads to provide a lifting effect.
How is thread lifting applied?
In thread lifting, before starting the procedure, 2 needle-sized holes are made in the scalp in the local anesthesia at the temple area along the line where the sling will be applied, and the threads are push forward subcutaneously to the sagging area in the lower part of the face with the guidance of blunt needles.
Since the tip of the guide needle is blunt, no permanent nerve damage or vascular damage occurs. Only slight bruising and edema may occur while the guide needle is being delivered. These will also be resolved within 1 week. The patient may feel a little uncomfortable when opening his mouth in the first 2 weeks as his face will be more tense due to the procedure, but the patient will adapt to this situation as the edema passes. Tiny pits disappear within 15-20 days.
How long does thread face lift last?
The effect of thread lift varies between 2 and 5 years depending on the type of thread used. The thread we mostly prefer is a surgical suture material called PDO (polydioxonon) or polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly‐L‐lactic acids (PLLA). Repeated applications can be made when necessary.
What should be taken into consideration after the tread lifting?
It is recommended that the patient be protected from trauma for a few weeks, do not wear make-up for the first 48-72 hours, avoid heavy exercise, do not rub or massage the face, and do not lie face down for 2 weeks.
What are the advantages of thread facelift over surgical facelift?
The advantages of thread lifting are that the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, there is no need for general anesthesia, the entry points in the procedure are hidden within the scalp, it does not leave a scar, and the procedure takes approximately 1 hour.