Tear Trough Filler
What benefits does tear trough filler provide?
Tear trough filler applied to the correct anatomical layer fills the hollow under the eye, while also preventing the person from looking tired and unhappy.
How is under eye filler applied?
Before starting the tear trough filling, a local anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be inserted. After waiting for a while, the area is cleaned with antiseptic solutions. The procedure is performed with a cannula to avoid damaging the vascular and nerve structures around the eye.
When will the effect of the procedure be seen?
Compared to other areas, it is not right to try to completely eliminate the hollowness under the eyes. Since the skin structure in this area is very thin, if too much filler is applied and applied superficially, it will cause edema in this area and a bluish appearance, which we call "tyndall". For this reason, when filling this area, instead of aiming for perfection, it is necessary to give sufficient filler to the right layer. The effect begins to be seen from the moment it is applied, but since hyaluronic acid absorbs water, the effect is best after 15-20 days.
Who cannot have fillers?
Filler application for pregnant and breastfeeding women, those with infection in the application area, those with bleeding disorders, immunosuppressive patients, those with impaired wound healing, those with uncontrolled systemic diseases, those with a history of anaphylaxis or multiple allergies, those who are allergic to the filler product, those with dysmorphic disorders and those with unrealistic expectations. It is not done. Tear trough filler should not be applied to patients who complain of edema and bags in the under-eye area.
What should be taken into consideration after filler application?
The application area should not be touched for 24 hours.
Make-up application should be at least 48 hours later.
Do not massage the application area for at least 10 days.
Be careful not to overuse your facial expressions in the application area for at least 3 days.
Avoid contact with water, soap, cosmetics and similar products, and irritating behaviors such as rubbing and scratching until 48 hours after the procedure.
Avoid intense sports for 10 days.
Avoid hot and steamy environments such as saunas and jacuzzis for 10 days.
Protect the application area from the sun.