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Enzymatic Lipolysis of Double Chin



Enzymatic lipolysis is a mesotherapy method that dissolves fat tissue by injecting fat-breaking enzymes into the subcutaneous fat tissue. It is frequently preferred, especially in cases where there is regional fatness. The most commonly used ingredients are: caffeine, deoxycholic acid, carnitine and phosphatidylcholine.

How is double chin lipolysis performed?

Since the procedure is performed by injection with a needle, the area is anesthetized using a local anesthetic cream beforehand and the procedure is ensured to be comfortable.


How long is the processing time?

Processing time is approximately 15 minutes.


How many sessions are required?

Although it varies from person to person and depending on the amount of fat in the area, it is necessary to apply 2-3 sessions with an interval of 4-6 weeks.


Is the effect of the procedure permanent?

No, it is not permanent. If there is weight gain, fat may appear in that area again. For this reason, it is necessary for the person to maintain his weight.


What should be taken into consideration after the double chin melting procedure?

The redness and slight edema that occur after the application will disappear within 1-2 days. Since we want the enzyme to have a homogeneous effect on the entire application area after the procedure, it is recommended to massage the application area 1-2 times a day for 15 days.


What can be done for loose skin after lipolysis application?

This is a problem we encounter especially in people with excess fat. For this, we use laser skin tightening and mesotherapy.

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